Who We Are
Gulfport Main Street Association is a nonprofit organization that has been instrumental in the rebuilding and revitalization of Downtown Gulfport. The district is dedicated to redeveloping in a sensible manner that ensures long-term viability. Our Four-Point Approach simultaneously focuses on organization, design, economic restructuring and promotions.
With the assistance of Mississippi Main Street and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Gulfport Main Street Association continues to help light the way for businesses and residents of the downtown district.
Preserving History, Preparing for the Future
Gulfport Main Street has overseen a facade grant program which improved the exteriors of nearly 70 buildings, many of which date back more than a century. The program has helped us preserve our rich history while preparing for a vibrant future.
Beautifying and Strengthening Downtown
A $7.6 million Streetscape Project has transformed the face of downtown by repairing and updating roadways and public areas. Coupled with new infrastructure, the streetscape project has positioned Downtown Gulfport for growth and expansion.
Promoting, Marketing and Making Things Happen…
Gulfport Main Street Association helps organize events and activities that attract visitors to the downtown area.
Main Street Boundary Map